
The Hope We Have

When I was a kid, I remember the excitement I felt looking forward to Easter- I’d get to eat a bunch of candy and probably even get some kind of toy in my easter basket (though one year, me and my siblings all got garden tools). My parents certainly didn’t slack off on teaching us the significance of the resurrection, but for most of my life up to this point chocolate seemed better. This is the part of the story where you might expect me to tell you of some pivotal moment when I suddenly understood the importance of Jesus’ resurrection, but that’s just not how it was for me (or, I think, for most of us). And I think that’s on par with the story of the Bible as well. Sometimes we look at religion in general, and Christianity in particular and see it as a list of qualifications to attain some prize.  The truth, however is that even when I was content to look forward to my chocolate Easter Bunny, God was looking forward to a relationship with me. When I was sleepless in...